Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I love landokicks so much they are the only store that you can find every exclusive shoes/clothes you can't find in stores....thier kicks change every week so if you want them you better get them fast because i just told my brothers basketball team about the site


Stacy R. Moon said...

that's so cool. I love Nike shoes, especially the ons with super bright colors. Kind of expensive though.

kiki said...

really?....where im from those are at a good price

thanks for the comment :)

LandOKicks said...

Much much thanks Kiki for the blast out!! Very much apreciated. Just a quick side note the masses - everything is FREE SHIPING in the US, PreSchool GradeSchool WMNS & MENS Sizes and Bulk Orders

shaun. said...

im really feeling those last kicks. nice find.