Wednesday, July 9, 2008

back in black

hello blogging homies ive been gone for a while because im try and get some stuff straight ,here's what's been happening in my world ...
1. my house got robbed
2. Im going back to school

3. Im working on my abs

4. looking for a job ( I really really need one)

5. trying to buy a car


Anonymous said...

hey, i like your page. its all stuff i like. and are you gonna get that firebird in the pic? if you can, you should. im putting alot of time and money into my iroc. little by little, its getting better than ever. im gonna do math, i didn the whole engineering thing and i like it, and with math, i dont think i'd do too bad. later

kiki said...

thank you :)I like your page to,
and i am try to get the rest of the money to get that firebird, i want it so bad ....i wanted a 1962 gto but they are so hard to find at a good price ...i hope you take a pic of your car when it's all done.and math ? go you lol..

Anonymous said...

well... thanks, and good luck on the car... and of course i'll take a pic of the car once im finished.

Samantha Smikle said...

me and a homegirl had a conversation recently about how this year is the year of transition for everyone. If you're not making changes, you'll get left behind. Good luck with your moves! :)

Eb the Celeb said...

ugh... thx for reminding me how out of shape I am... I really need to get back in the gym

Anonymous said...

your car doesnt look bad at all... maybe interior trim pieces and various liittle things, but nothing major. good buy.